Leadership Mentoring
Leadership Mentoring: What is it
Imagine if you could sit down with your future self and ask for advice. You’d have some incredibly wise and valuable snippets to share with your current self that would really help you navigate the coming months and years — and enable you to better prepare yourself for what’s to come.
This is what leadership mentoring does for prospective leaders. It provides them with a forum for setting, discussing and disecting a path to leadership with someone who has walked that path before.
We all like to think of our journey as absolutely unique, and while there are of course some unique elements, there are a far more similarities and shared experiences between your path and someone else path to that same destination.
Because of this fact of life, many of the leadership challenges the leaders of tomorrow will face — the leaders of today have faced.
Leadership mentoring enables mentees to see what great leadership looks like, as the mentor is technically leading them; using soft leadership skills to effectively communicate; leadership skills to encourage them and drive them forward; and hard leadership skills to hold them accountability for real progress.
Feeling how the mentor coaches and mentors the mentee through the the leadership mentoring process enables the mentee to learn about people management, discover how they like to be treated from a ‘superior’, and learn what type of encouragement and interaction spurs them to be the best version of themselves.
A good mentor will know how to draw a mentee out of their comfort zone into more leadership oriented environments and scenarios, and can talk with a mentee about how they can address certain scenarios they are encountering in real-life, putting leadership skills into real-life context and real-life practice.Want to find out more? Contact us.

Are You:
Wanting to Grow your Business Quickly, but Sustainably
A person with Integrity
Wanting to be The Best in your business
Desiring a Big Vision
Developing a Mover and Shaker Mentality
A People Promoter
Benefits to working with us are:
You will Make EVEN More Money
You will Grow Your Business Substantially with our proven systems and processes
You will be working with two Kiwi’s who have Trained & Mentored Business Owners to Success Since 1999
You will Get Back Your Personal Time to do the Things You Really Want to do
You can have Confidence in our Ability to Help You, as we have Practical as well as Theoretical Business Knowledge, having run and operated multiple businesses already
Leadership Mentoring – The Key To Life & Career Success
Our Vision
To be the PREMIER Training and Mentoring Business in the UK & NZ, by helping Business Owners to grow and develop themselves & their Businesses, to create more FREEDOM & WEALTH.
A Recent Testimonial
Dear Pete and Janelle
I was driving into the work this evening, digesting everything that I’ve learned from both of you and I realised that your coaching has turned me from someone who believed they were pretty doomed as a business owner, into someone who is excited and energised in my business future.
I always knew I was good at what I do, but was floundering in how to make my talent work as a structured, profitable business.
Your coaching filled that hole and your engaging, interactive methods of teaching showed me how ownership, accountability and responsibility underpins everything.
You have astounded me, empowered me and galvanised me into action and I cannot thank you enough.
Your coaching is truly exceptional.
With gratitude.