Global Business Success
We help Business Owners scale their Business to 6 figures or more, without stress or overwhelm, because they have a High Performing Team
If you are a Business Owner who wants a High Performing Team, wants to make timely decisions, then we have the answer for you.
Global Business Performance Ltd Business Performance Ltd & Peak Performance Business Accelerator
Hi, we’re Pete & Janelle O’Keeffe.
The co-Founders and Directors of Peak Performance Business Accelerator and Global Business Performance Ltd. We are originally from NZ, and now living in the UK.
We have 6 children:
Ben is an International Rugby referee and Dr of Ophthalmology.
Mike was an Olympian at the 2012 Olympics.
Louisa received a full sports scholarship to WV University in the USA with a 4.9 GPA. She is now an Industrial Engineer in Melbourne.
Scott is in the NZ Army.
Claire was a NZ National dancer and Australian x-fit champion.
Cynthia is completing a PhD in Virology.
Since 1999 we have helped 100’s of Business Owners around the Globe have a highly effective team by implementing the 7 Fundamental Laws to Having a Successful Business, and become Leaders in their Community & Business.
We have our pilots licences – with Pete having an aerobatic qualification.
Since 2016, our clients have increased their profit by an average of 13% annually.
We rode our Harley Davidson’s across the U.S.A. and stopped in at Sturgis.
During COVID our sole focus was to ensure none of clients went bust. No-one did!!!
Our love of travel means we have only 73 countries left to visit! (There are 195!!!)
We will be driving overland to NZ from the UK in our Toyota GRJ79 SC.
Contact us see how our service will benefit you & your Business. Take advantage of our FREE 15 minute business consultation, and a FREE On-Line-Training programme. Fill in your contact details now, so you can start achieving the life and business you deserve and desire. –
(Global Business Performance Ltd is the umbrella for our Corporate Leadership Programmes and our Business Education & Training programmes )
What We Do
When it comes to leadership, uncertainty is a permanent part of the process. Furthermore, it isn’t an indication of poor leadership, it just underscores the need for it. Leading a Team to High Performance is one of the hardest tasks a Leader will undertake.
It is this environment in which good leadership is most often discovered. Since you’ll be constantly called to make decisions with limited info, your goal should not be to eliminate it, but develop the ability to have faith in your abilities and be courageous and clear in spite of it.
It is not your job as a leader to remove uncertainty. it’s your job to inspire, have and provide clarity, believe, and progress in the midst of it. When you do that you are learning to be a leader.
Imagine a place without a leader, an army without a General. Structure creates order, without it no progress can be made.
As a leader you will be called upon to make decisions regarding business, relationships, money, time, values, opportunities, and disputes. Your decisions show up on the bottom line. In that realm it takes longer to recognise your brilliance or your stupidity, because you’re forced to lead your team for long periods of time without the benefit of knowing whether you made the right call.
By the time your crop starts coming in its too late to change your agricultural procedure.
A person in a Leadership position needs to understand that if they are a leader, they already have the potential talent to lead. The question is that he may not see himself as a leader.
Sometimes in Business the “Peters Principle” applies, – people get promoted to the level of their incompetence.
How often have you seen a person who is great technically at what they do, get promoted and have no idea what to do next or lead and guide those he/she is now charge of?
If this could be you or someone in your business, we can help with our unique and proven Leadership and Training programme that we have developed from our time,
in the NZ Army,
high ranking NZ Police officer
H.O.D. teacher
high ranking rugby referee, and netball referee
as quallfied pilots.
As Colin Powell the Secretary of State once said, “Everyone knows who is, and who isn’t performing in a team, and they’re looking to you as the leader to see what you will do about it!”
But courage is what will establish you as a leader before others. Courage allows you to train a TEAM.
All progress begins with 1 question – What needs to be done?
The future during and after this event belongs to those who are prepared to have the courage to ask the question and the faith to hang in there till they discover the answer.
Out I.T.T. (Impact Team Training) programme helps key leaders in an organisation develop and improve their mentorship skills so they can:
- Have a High Performing Team
- Become an even more influential leader & mentor
- Build a great culture
- Understand how the right ‘Behaviours’ Impact the team Culture
- Build a High Performing Team
- Experience increased productivity from their team
- Get buy-in from their team and stakeholders
- Quickly become a ‘Gifted Leader’
- Increase the care factor of their employees
- Get better results from their team.
Helping Business Owners achieve FREEDOM from their business through effective Business Education and Training
We are so passionate about helping business owners like you to get control of your business,
Let’s talk about you and how you can be more in control …because in the last 22 years we have discovered there are just 7 LAWS that you need to learn in order to become a really great Business Owner.
May we talk you through, and show you our 7 Fundamental laws to business success, so you feel more in control.
For the first time, you won’t be:
- fire-fighting
- problem solving all day long and feeling drained
- struggling for cash
- feeling out of control
- no time for yourself or your family because you are working so hard.
This is a Unique and Proven system that we have developed and teach in-depth to our clients who are in our MasterMind programme.
What this means for you, is that you now have a Roadmap, a system if you like, to put into your business, so the business works, not you…, and you feel in more CONTROL of your DESTINY. You have FREEDOM.
We know, Pressure can burst Waterpipes, but it can also make Diamonds.It’s time to get on and not give up.
There’s a lot of work to do and diamonds to make.
Let’s get started, and Never ever give up.
Real world mentoring for real world businesses
We have helped so many businesses just like yours, check out our short video on how we help 1!
Are you juggling too many things in your business?
You’re not alone! Here is a short video of what can start to happen when you try to take on to much.
Would you like a unique & proven system to help you:
- have a High Performing Team, using out I.T.T. program?
- make even more Money?
- have more time away from your Business?
- create a systemised business that works without you being there all the time?
- create a systemised business where the team run the Business for you?
- have more FREEDOM & WEALTH?
Would you, like to become a LEADER in your Industry & Community?
With decades of experience in business, finance & property development, we have learnt not only how to run successful businesses, but also how to help you build your team and a business to a sustainable level which means that it no longer needs you being there all the time. If you’re saying to yourself I want more from my business so I can work less and earn even more money, and have FREEDOM, then don’t procrastinate any longer from obtaining what you really deserve.
One of our core values is to guide and train Business Owners to become better TEAM LEADERS and help them achieve the FREEDOM that they desire.
Better Business Owners means better Business, and better business, means better Leaders
Better Leaders, means better Business, and better business means better Communities
“After having training from Pete & Janelle for 5 months, we haven’t looked back. Although we still have the rest of our journey to go, we have come such a long way with them and have every confidence in them to see us through to our destination.
Their mantra of “change your mind, change your business” has proved to be the core principle of what has changed for us, and their understanding of us as persons and our business have proved invaluable.”
Are You:
Struggling to make enough money
Unable to leave your business because it runs you
Working all the hours possible, and still not earning enough money
Mentally feeling really tired and drained
Struggling to find the time to do the things you really want to in life
Tired of the daily grind, because you don’t have the energy you used to have
In a business where you’re constantly fire-fighting problems every day
Unsure what to do next
Forever battling with your staff because you hired badly and they don’t have the skills you need
Benefits to working with us are:
You will Make EVEN More Money, giving you the ability to have more choices
Growing Your Business using our proven systems and processes, allows you to make even more money, which means you have more FREEDOM
Working with us, means you will receive timely ‘results orientated‘ feedback, which means you’ll grow your Business faster without falling into the many potholes of business that trap most Business owners.
You will Get Back Your Personal Time to do the Things You Really Want to do
We have Practical as well as Theoretical Business Knowledge, which means you will obtain results far more quickly than if you tried to do it yourself.
Us in Action

Business Training FAQ’s
Why would I need to employ a mentor in my business?
Because you haven’t seen the value a mentor can bring to your business yet.
Janelle and I will speed up the process to you make even more money, and have more time for yourself and family, because we have run multiple successful businesses already.
Do you remember your first day at school? You had a teacher at the front who guided and mentored you for the next 10 years. And then you went to Trade School or University and again there was a mentor at the front helping and guiding you.
Every sports team or individual athlete has a Mentor or Mentors. They help the sportsperson with strategy, ideas and headspace. They help get them to where they want to be, faster.
Why do we not do the same when we go into business. Business is hard when you try to do it by yourself. With a Mentor, you achieve your results faster.
My team aren't doing what I want them to do, how can you help?
This is because you possibly don’t know how to build a High Performing Team, yet.
Because I haven’t shown you the 3 main pillars to building a High Performing Team, yet.
We are I.T.T. (Impact Team Training) specialists.
Our FOCUS is to help you get the best from your employees.
Our FOCUS is to get your employees coming to work, happy, enthusiastic and passionate for the job you pay them to do. After all, a third of their time each day is spent with you!
A Gallup poll reveals that 84% of employees are disengaged or totally disengaged in their work.
34% of salaries are being wasted due to employee disengagement.
We have a 10 week I.T.T. (Impact Team Training) program that will re-engage your employees and increase productivity – which means you as the business owner make more money.
I've paid a consultant £1000's and received nothing for it, how are you different?
This is because you haven’t seen how we operate, yet.
Because you haven’t had the opportunity to experience working with us.
The only way to get the answer,
- so you know it’s worth the investment of your time and money,
- so you know and believe it works
- and not only works, but works for you,
is to experience working with us.
We understand this. This is why we make it incredibly affordable to work with us for a day, to experience what you will receive when you work with us on a more regular basis.
We are NOT consultants or Coaches. We Mentor Business owners, we don’t coach them..
The difference:
A coach asks questions to elicit an answer from you.
A Mentor has done what you do. They’ve already walked the path that you’re taking. Invariably they have made the mistakes, so you don’t have to. A Mentor journeys beside you, not just come into the business and then write a white paper and suggest you go and implement the findings – by yourself.
We have run and operated 6 businesses already, so we understand the issues that will affect you on your journey
I've tried implementing new ideas into my business before, but they never last, how is this going to be different?
That’s because no-one has shown you how to implement lasting change yet.
Because when you have lasting change your business works like a machine. Constantly making you even more money and allowing you the FREEDOM to have more time off.
This is the essence of Mentoring.
We help you implement the ideas and then we journey with you to, help you be accountable to ensure the ideas are implemented and tracked in your business. FOCUS & ACCOUNTABILITY are the 2 key words. You may not like them, you may not even want to be accountable!!! But when you take RESPONSIBILITY great things will happen for you.
You DISCIPLINE yourself to receive a great result.
I don't like being told I am not running my business the right way!
That’s right, no-one does. Yet so many consultants do. We will guide you, because you want and desire faster results than just working by yourself. You want to speed up the process of getting results
You know your business better than we do. What we do is help you with strategy and knowledge to make the difference you require to have a profitable business that gives you FREEDOM, more time and make even more money.
Your Business is like every other Business. You have a Product/Service that you put on the shelf to sell.
You need to entice buyers to come and buy.
Every Business is the same.
We will help you solve your clients problems and provide them with a great solution so they buy more of your Product/Service than your competitor!
Why would I use you, what experience do you have to help me?
A great question, because you don’t know the experience we have in helping you, yet.
Because when you talk with us, you will realise and see the vast experience we have to help you increase your business profit and reduce your hours of work.
Because Janelle and I have been where you are going.
We have fallen into the potholes of business distress and had to climb out and dust ourselves off.
You wont need to experience that because we will guide you around the potholes of business.
Janelle and I have run multiple successful businesses since 2000, so we understand the theoretical and practical side of running businesses. We have not been made redundant in the corporate world, and as a fall-back, become a ‘coach’.
We Mentor Business Owners, which means we have been where you potentially are, and we have done what you are possibly wanting to do. We’ve walked the path and made the mistakes, so you don’t have to. We have the skills and knowledge through practical application to help you.
How can you help me make more money in my Business?
No-one has really shown you how to make more money, yet, so how are you meant to know?
Because when you see our 5 step Business Profit Chain (so you can see where the weak link is) this will help you increase your profit by 61%.
Most business owners ask this question because it is fundamental to being a happy and prosperous business owner who has FREEDOM.
Follow, implement and apply our 7 Fundamental Laws of Business, and the Profit Chain and i will guarantee you, you will make even more money.
Your whole desire working with us should be to make more money more quickly than if you tried to do it by yourself.
Come and test us on this!
I like you but I can get a cheaper coach!
Yes, you can, because you don’t know the results you can achieve with us, yet!
And we know that, because there will always be someone cheaper. However you need to ask about results, not cost. A cheap coach who provides no result is quite an expensive mistake. Always ask yourself about the result you will be guaranteed, because Janelle and I will help you achieve results
We have deliberately positioned ourselves to ensure we are not the cheapest, because we don’t want people who aren’t prepared to invest in themselves.
We want clients who want to invest in themselves and their Business, and make a difference for themselves and their business, so they finally have FREEDOM. And we’re Mentors, not coaches, there’s a world of difference.
I don't have enough time?
That’s right. Most Business owners run out of time. Time is their biggest issue.
They are working so much IN the business that they don’t have time to work ON the strategic side of the business. Therefore it’s unlikely they will grow.
You won’t have your time for yourself, yet, because haven’t worked with us to give you your time back, yet.
When you do, we’ll show you how to increase the time you have available to do the things you want to do by another 36%, because we have a unique system for helping you to do this.
Most of us have many excuses for not managing our time. You say, ‘But I have a very busy life.’. Can you imagine telling a physical trainer you’d really like to be fit, but you don’t have the time to come to the gym? He’d say that you’re not serious!
When you say you don’t have enough time, what you’re telling yourself, is that you don’t believe in yourself to achieve what you want to do. You have a self management issue, not a time management issue. You’re saying to yourself, I’m not willing to make it work for myself.
Coaching seems expensive!
Yes Coaching is!!!!!! That’s why we are Mentors.
You haven’t worked with mentors who have real life, ‘running business experience,’ yet.
Because when you work with us, you’ll see the value your investment brings to your business, because you will be making even more money than what you will be paying for your mentorship with us. If fact we have a guarantee because we know we’re very very good at what we do. Here it is, – If you haven’t made more money in year after doing and implementing everything we say, we will refund the difference!
To make money, you need to put money out first – it’s the way the law of business works, and the Universe. The Universe hates a vacuum. Create a vacuum that needs to be filled.
Most people get advice from ‘poor’ people or people who have not run a Business. This advice is expensive. What is cheap at the time, can led to some very expensive mistakes.
Pay for value and you’ll reap the reward. Be cheap and your mindset will ensure only cheap clients come your way, because that’s what you’re saying to the Universe. When you employ a Mentor, do exactly as they say, and invest in yourself. It will be the cheapest investment you will ever make.
A Recent Testimonial
Dear Pete and Janelle
I was driving into the work this evening, digesting everything that I’ve learned from both of you and I realised that your mentoring has turned me from someone who believed they were pretty doomed as a business owner, into someone who is excited and energised in my business future.
I always knew I was good at what I do, but was floundering in how to make my talent work as a structured, profitable business.
Your coaching filled that hole and your engaging, interactive methods of teaching showed me how ownership, accountability and responsibility underpins everything.
You have astounded me, empowered me and galvanised me into action and I cannot thank you enough.
Your mentoring is truly exceptional.
With gratitude.
We Believe In
Give before receiving
Peak Performance Business Accelerator is different from our competitors because we believe in giving first, before receiving. Our niche is our desire to see the people we train become better, stronger and more profitable, while at the same time having a more rewarding quality of lifestyle.
We are a blessed couple. We show our appreciation and say thank you for the abundance we have in our life, to everyone whose path we cross and who add value to our lives.We celebrate success and the success of our clients. We celebrate always when our people do the right thing.
Integrity and ethics
This is truly at the forefront of our business. We are honest, we will do what we say we will do, and will only do what is right by the client, in the right business way for the client every time. Our ethics and integrity will not be compromised, regardless of the situation.
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Pete and Janelle O’Keeffe are poised to share their years of knowledge and experience, gained through working with medium and large corporate firms, so you receive the best possible value and guidance to implement quickly into your Business.