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SALT AND THOUGHTS   Salt both seasons and preserves food, but can lose its saltiness. Salt is a symbol of perpetual friendship. Arabs still say, “There is salt between us” to signify the importance of peacemaking and peacekeeping. Salt has two primary...

The Measure of Success

The Measure of Success   You’ll never meet a person focused on yesterday who had a better tomorrow.   John Foster Dulles, secretary of state under President Eisenhower, observed: ‘The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with,...

Keep a Good Attitude

KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE   When you’re going through bad times, your goal should be to keep a good attitude.’   Here is some practical advice on keeping a good attitude in bad times:   (1) Always believe the best about others, but don’t get bent out of shape when they...

Preconceived Notions

Preconceived notions   Twelve bees were placed in a jar in a darkened room.   A light was beamed onto the bottom of the jar, and then the lid removed. Instinctively, the bees flew toward the light and couldn’t escape. So they died trying to buzz their way...


CRITICISM – HOW TO HANDLE IT There are two ways you can respond to negative criticism. If there’s truth in it, humbly accept it and grow through it. Sometimes a person’s criticism may actually have nothing to do with you at all; they simply feel...