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She Gave Everything She Had

She Gave Everything She Had

She Gave Everything She Had   I really love this article I read over Christmas written by Debbie Glass, about ‘giving everything you have.’  A powerful story about giving everything without considering or worrying about any consequences. One afternoon a...
Business Honesty

Business Honesty

How Honest are you with yourself in your Business? The way we are doing business, and business success is completely different now than say two years ago. With such rapid changes, we need to be nimble enough to adjust, how and what we do. Change is difficult. However...
Bulletproof Your Business

Bulletproof Your Business

Bulletproof Your Business 17 Tips to Guide you and your business through a recession Understand and know your margins Gross Margin Net Margin Increase prices now! If competitors are charging more than you – are they really that much better than you? In an economic...
Thoughts on Leadership

Thoughts on Leadership

THOUGHTS ON LEADERSHIP  SHACKLETON’S WAY Shackleton was one of the world’s greatest explorers. What made him even more remarkable was his ability to get the best out of the men he commanded. Even when their ship – “The Endurance” sank in...


LEADERSHIP Leadership has more to do with people than with the nature of the endeavour to which it is applied. Leaders need to believe three things; You are in this world to make a difference You cannot get anywhere unless you know two things, i.    – Where you...


STAY SHARP A competition was held between two men to see who could chop down the most trees in a single day! One man was older and more experienced, while the other was younger and less experienced.   And that’s where the difference showed up. The younger man...